Friday, April 25, 2008

Post the date...

So what DID I do on my birthday?... hmm contrary to what many people may have thought, I got to do nothing. Never got the damn time. Started work at 9:00 am and ended it at 9:00 pm. However my office wallas were nice enough to put together a cake cutting, pizza hogging ceremony for me at six thirty...and well I had cake stuffed all over my face. Chocolate cake hadnt tasted so good in a while. And then BACK to work. Good bit was I warned everybody in advance that I wanted pens, so well I have a whole collection of parkers and cross pens this eve.

Other than has been an unnervingly blessed week for me. Scary to the point, that today as the work week ended I made my biggest ever sell. I wonder what God wants of me? And well, well... now that I have a private blog on a public venue, its amazing I can actually be more secretive than when I emailed out my thoughts to people close to me. This is more fun. More my own corner of the internet and I like having my corner. I used to share alot but that got me nowhere, so I have decided my soul and my heart remains mine now and the worldly goodies people are welcome to. God deserves to keep these two elements safe for me, people have broken them to bits too often for my liking.

But it seems like the beginning of strange things. But then life for me, always has been.


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