Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lahore Winds

I dont think I have ever seen Lahore in such stunning spring repose. I landed today and the weather was simply breathtaking. Winds, droplets of rain and a chill cloudy sky embalming and contrasting the first throes of spring colors that are the hallmark of Lahore's rich agrarian views.

For me as I have also said in an earlier post, weather is tied deeply to nostalgia. How the very scent of a spring morning can entrance you and take you back a thousand fathoms deep into the oceans of buried memoirs. So it was this morning. As I grow older in years and the first deep streaks of white hair landmark my head and my dimple gets deeper simply because soon the skin shall show age, and common sense begins to prevail over the avenues where once the heart was master, I find that this nostalgia lets me sepearate myself amply from the youth I was not so long ago. Even the winds that once moved my soul and still do, even they have become more philosophical in the tunes they beat in my ears.

My next stop is Bhourbon after two years. An odd out of weather snowfall has just hit it. Maybe in expectation of my footsteps. Now that would be a real welcome gong. Ciao for now mateys, as I grab my umbrella and jacket and beret to go find some past moments of peace with my old friends, the mountains and the winds.

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